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A Baja Blast from Baja's Past

Heyo everybody! How are you all doing?

This week in NB Minnesota has been good. I've been helping the new missionaries in the ward find their way around and it's been a little stressful, but also good! The new district is fun and we get along well.

This Thursday was really cool. At dinner with the Stake Patriarch, the topic of priesthood blessings came up, because two of the guests that had been invited to the dinner as well had requested priesthood blessings from him. Throughout the conversation, the spirit worked on all of us, and my Comp felt like he should ask for a priesthood blessing, for some of his health reasons he's been struggling with.

So, the patriarch offered for us to use the chair he usually gave patriarchal blessings, in, and I gave my comp a blessing. It was really special. You never can be sure what you'll say during it, but you know it comes from God when you do.

Also this week, I got to go on exchanges with Elder Larson, who was in my first ever district! The entire time we got to do work, catch up on what we missed, and feel blown away that we had almost already been out a whole year.

We also moved a 300 pound fridge up a flight of stairs. That was fun.

Anyway! Spiritual thought!

The power of God, the priesthood, can be accessed in all of our lives, whether or not you are a priesthood holder. I'd invite you to study it, and see what you find! Think about how having the priesthood has blessed/could bless your life! And, if you're able, try to involve it in your life more! You will get to see so many more blessings happen in your life, and grow closer to understanding how God works.

That's all for now! Love you all so much!

-Elder Hatch


- Me and Elder Larson at Buffalo Wild Wings

- My comp and Elder Larsons Comp

Me and Elder Larson again

-You get the picture

-The end result of moving 300 pounds of fridge up a flight of stairs and put by the curb

-Pics from when we went golfing with members last Monday. I think I'm a golfer now

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