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Oh yeah, it's all coming together!


Ok so much is going on, first thing… Transfers.

It's been 4 months being with my comp;

Elder Garside, and now I'm leavin' him

My new comp is Elder Knorpp, a Chinese Elder, so yeah! Pretty exciting


Anyways, I forgot to write my last weekly. So like a week and a half ago we had a lesson with our friend Piller about the visitation of Jesus Christ, and him establishing the church (3 Nephi 11)

So at the end of the lesson me and Elder Garside ask him if he has any further concerns or questions, and he goes:

"Yeah, I have just one concern…

It seems really unfair that my

mom, and my mom's mom will not be

able to be baptized."

Me and my comp look at eachother

and we're like... It's All Coming Together!

So we assure him and bear our testimonies that his ancestors will all have the opportunity to be baptized.

We schedule another lesson with him, and then fast forward a couple of days…

The whole lesson we talk about temples, and why we have temples.

We talk about baptism for the dead, the spirit world, and… Basically the plan of salvation.

And after all that we're like,

"Piller, you can baptize for your ancestors."

And we ended up asking him,

"Are you ready to be baptized?"

And he didn't say yes, and he didn't say no. Instead he compared himself to a seed, and that this seed needed more nourishment, more water, and a little more sunshine. He said he didn't feel 100%

We told him how happy we were that he was willing to learn more.

Piller's honestly just so awesome, he doesn't understand how much faith he has. He has enough. Unfortunately with this transfer I may or may not continue to teach him. I'm pretty sure I will, but Elder Garside wont :(

But yeah.

After that lesson, me and

Elder Garside were full of the Spirit.

That moment was one of the

best moment so far on my mission.


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