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我回来了! I went on official exchanges with Hermana Hernandez and boom miraclesss!

Aloha my friends!

Sorry I skipped out on ya last week, but it's been good lately! We did lots of wild things like dancing in the rain and playing soccer in the field across from our pad in our soaked dresses!

Haha, but I've got some spiritually good experiences this week as well that I'd like to share:

I went on official exchanges with Hermana Hernandez and boom miraclesss! I think it's just because Hermana is so skilled lol. But it was really cool because the first 2 people we talked to rejected us so hard and it was pretty sad, but everyone has free agency. They say it takes about 7 interactions for someone to accept our message, so every time we open our mouths and testify, I think that counts for something even when they say they're not interested in learning more.

I met and showed this lady around the VC the day after my exchange with Hermana Hernandez, and after we testified of the temple, I gave her a Book of Mormon and asked if I could get her number to keep in contact with and continue talking about the gospel, or if she ever had questions. She said "I know you. You guys knocked on my door." (She meant she's met missionaries before) She asked if we knock on doors anymore, and I explained that we did, then she said "I'll be waiting for your call." Ummm MIRACLE!!! Who knows, maybe we were the seventh interaction she's had with the gospel. Sometimes we don't get to see the results of our work. I wish I could find the missionaries who knocked on her door and congratulate them for doing so. This really is a great work! I'm so thankful we have missionaries all over the world helping people come closer to our Savior.

I'm really trying to be more bold. I keep seeing a repeat of me chickening out and seeing no miracles. But when I step out of my comfort zone and trust in the Lord, that's when I see the miracles. It's just hard to do that all the time for some odd reason. So I need more faith, trust, and pixie dust!

Something Hermana Hernandez told me during exchanges really struck me. She told me that it's really good that we give people postcards because they're pretty and who doesn't love them? But whenever we don't offer a Book of Mormon, we are denying them of their agency to choose weather or not they want one. What's the worst thing that can happen? They reject it, but at least you offered it. They'll remember one day your testimony of it, and we have no idea the size of the impact we may have had on them.

This week we testified boldly about the importance of the temple and the Book of Mormon to quite a few people. I learned that this is actually a small amount of time we have to be fully dedicated to the Lord and his work. I learned that if I don't open my mouth and invited others to Come Unto Christ, it probably won't happen. I'm not a good speaker or teacher. But I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me. (Philippians 4:13)

Have the best week everyone! Heavenly Father loves you and so do I!!

-Sister Johnson

Uhhh no time to explain. Just fun Hawaii tingz!

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